
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Miike Snow

Really digging this song from Miike Snow. Yes there are two i's.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


In my journey to be twice as dorky every year, I have recently procured 3 helmets (2x East German, 1x 1918 Swedish Civil Defence Helmet) and painted them Cobra Blue in preperation for DragonCon. The rest of my costume is in a bit of a mess but we shall see if it all comes together in time. I just found out that Leonard Nemoy, William Shatner, AND Patrick Stewart are going to be there. Holy fucking shit.

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Just played the first bit of the new Arkham Asylum, pretty amazing. It's like Metal Gear Solid but with Batman, who as it turns out is pretty much Solid Snake with a grapplin' hook.

Leo Laporte is smart guy with a voice like ambrosia. His podcast, This Week In Tech or TWIT for short is giving me flashbacks to high school and TechTV. What a great weird thing that was way ahead of it's time. Great to be hanging out again Leo.