Kabuki / The Alchemy / David Mack
Art is the clothing of revelation. If you don't like the story your culture is writing, it's not enough to rail against it or say you don't subscribe to it. You have the obligation of writing your own story- To be a contributing author of your own culture. You must accept the your role in the energy exchange by passing on your truth or story to those willing to unlock..and open..and unfold that in themselves...
---From kabuki (the alchemy) #8
Got the opportunity to meet David Mack at DragonCon a few monthes back. Genius stuff with amazing insights into post-modern life. The Alchemy is the newest series in the Kabuki saga and is practically transcended the more traditional ultra violent manga style of the previous series. The art itself oscillates between deconstructions of fundamental printing materials to photorealistic grunge compositions from the artists desk. Very experimental and well worth your time. Oxford Comics and the Book Nook both have issues on hand. And maybe he'll be at DragonCon again this year?