
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

music from the edge of space

Holy fucking shit. Negativland IS changing my life. Have you ever jammed a radio? Did you even know you could? Did you know an army of HAM radio operators monitor every storm that crosses the country, providing more accurate information than satellites do?

As promised, on the subject of spontaneous human combustion, a woman in a London discotheque had this unfortunate experience:

"As though driven by an inner storm, fire burst furiously from her back and chest, enveloping her head and igniting her hair, turning her in seconds to a human torch, and was dead before her horrified companion and other people on the dance floor could beat out the flames. Her boyfriend testified at the inquest: "I saw no one smoking on the dance floor. There were no candles on the tables and I did not see her dress catch fire from anything. I know it sounds incredible, but it appeared to me that the flames burst outwards, as if they originated within her body". Other witnesses agreed with him, and the coroner's verdict was eventually 'Death by misadventure, caused by a fire of unknown origin'.


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